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SJMC Monday Memo – March 25, 2024

Monday, March 25th, 2024

Sign up for student agency crawl

AAF of Des Moines is hosting an agency tour April 2.

Students from across the state will have the opportunity to visit 4-5 agencies. At each location, students will meet and network with company team members, receive tours, and learn about award winning client work. Attendees will have the opportunity to hear from all facets of an agency and meet account executives, creative directors, copywriters, digital media experts, content creators, PR leaders and more!

Students will be put into groups and then given a final group schedule prior to the event.

This is a free event and lunch will be provided. Register now. Space is limited.

Sign up for summer classes

Taking summer classes is a great way to catch up or get ahead on your degree. The SJMC is offering the following classes this summer:

  • JMC 30 – Mass Media in a Global Society
  • JMC 54 – Reporting and Writing Principles
  • JMC 059 – Visual Communication Methods
  • JMC 065 – Social Media Strategies
  • JMC 085 – Public Relations Principles
  • JMC 105 – Web Content and Development

Drake Mag pinup this week

Stop by Drake Mag’s public pin-up Tuesday, March 26, 6-7 p.m. in Meredith 124C. This is an opportunity for a sneak peek at Drake Mag’s summer 2024 issue before it goes to print. The event is open to anyone.

PRSSA speed networking event this week

Join PRSSA at their networking and resume critique event on Wednesday, March 27th from 5:00 to 6:30pm in Meredith Hall Room 124C. 10 Des Moines area communication professionals from a variety of industries will be there to connect and speak with students as well as review resumes. This event is open to all Drake students! Please RSVP at the link.

Questions can be directed to Maria Heath

Denver Post Editor to Join JMC 103

Lee Ann Colacioppo, JO’86, the editor of the Denver Post, will be on campus to participate in the 45th Annual Bucksbaum Distinguished Lectureship featuring Liz Cheney on Wednesday, March 27. Before taking the stage, Colacioppo will join the JMC 103: Public Affairs Reporting class. Other students are welcome to join the conversation in Meredith Hall 124C from 12:30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m.

Generative AI lunch and learn events

Want to go deeper into generative AI skills? The Drake SJMC is doing just that in our new AI Lunch Club virtual events. These will take place over zoom from 12:30-1:30 p.m. Central:

April 1: GPTs and Me: Learn to make custom GPTs.
April 3: Go AI Yourself: Create an avatar and make it talk.
April 8: Advanced Image Prompting: Take a deep dive into image creation.
April 10: Next Steps in Prompting: Advanced prompting techniques for LLMs.

Sign up for events here. Use the code SAVE10 to save $10 off the price for each event.